Artful Construction

by kathy

Hi Carl

Interested in knowing your perspective on why our collective reality (non awakened) seems to be so artfully created in every aspect of our lives, (economy, politics, personal relationships ect) to cater to the egoic mind. It is like it has been created to keep us asleep and distracted because it knows the nature of the egoic is also perpetual it only needs seeds and then the egoic mind takes over and keeps giving it life. It seems like the perfect manipulation to keep man asleep


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Jul 05, 2015
Artful Deconstruction
by: Carl

Hi Kathy,

Great question and great observation of an "egoic" world. Perhaps even more disturbing is that what we see in the "collective" is really the way it is for us individually. This is a difficult thing for most spiritually awakened people to accept because we (egos) like to "think" we have it altogether and couldn't possibly be "one" with the problems we see in the collective. The sad reality, however, is that we are. It is for this reason so many Guru's and spiritual icons from the past and present tell us to "be the change you want to see in the world", to quote Gandhi.

The ego wants us to "sleep" and never question the safety it pretends to create that does little more than lull us into accepting all the collective forms you describe above. Those forms are us. Each and everyone of them. Look at just the "political collective" you mention. Even the most enlightened among us turn in to monsters when championing their political viewpoint or candidate and claim their rightness of choice because of their so called "enlightenment". Little do they grasp that they do nothing more than fuel the very insidiousness they claim to be fighting against.

Ego is so clever it deceives, as Jesus once said, "the very elect". Those of us who claim to see this are often the most deceived and ego is eager to keep us in the swirl of collective criticism because that's where the game of "right and wrong" is best played. "I am right and you are wrong" is the best way to describe the game of individual ego and as you describe, it is the game of the collective as well. While it may seem like a subtle game, it is not. "I am right and you are wrong" is everywhere and while ego creates platitudes, e.g., "we'll just agree to disagree" or "I understand what you are saying but this is how I see it", etc., etc., to ease our discomfort with those who disagree, the battle for rightness is loud and clear. I'm sure you have watched this.

We must always be watchful because ego has surrounded us with so much noise that it is difficult to discern when it is us who are the most overwhelmed. Referring to Jesus again, he instructed us to "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's." For a time we are in these human bodies and the individual and collective ego is the playing field of humans, but we do not have to give ourselves to any of it while we play for this little while. Don Juan called it "controlling your folly". "Be in the world but not of it" is another way Jesus described it.

I say "be humble and be wrong". The collective is nothing more than a culmination of all of "we" individuals. To me this is "humbling" but having to be right in this game of right and wrong puts us directly in the middle of the very thing we point at and fuels the machine (collective) we want to see change. Be careful. Love all the players of the game, "they know not what they do". This is the way for you to be "in the game" but not "of it". Ego has taught us well and the "lull" you describe is relentless. Ultimately, it is not the collective that is asleep; it is us and our individual stupor is only reflected in the collective we form and accept.

Thanks again Kathy, I do so appreciate you sharing!

Always my love and best,


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