An Amazon Best Seller
A Great Podcast!

Hello from Carl Bozeman!

Wow, what an exciting and busy week this has been!

My book, On Being God, Beyond Your Life's Purpose, is an Amazon Best Seller!

And I had a fantastic interview with Yvonne Perry of the We Are One in Spirit Podcast!

The Special Promotion is Still Running!

Thank you to everyone who supported me by buying a book. We went to number two on the best seller list!

I hope all who participated in the special launch were able to download all the many gifts that were given away as part of this special promotion. These gifts were offered by some of most spiritually aware people in the world, and I am so honored to be in their company.

This promotion is still available so please take advantage of this incredible offer.

Check out the book and this special offer at this promotional link.

We Are One in Spirit Podcast

Yvonne Perry interviewed Carl as a guest on her We Are One in Spirit Podcast.

Bringing heaven to earth one show at a time, We Are One in Spirit Podcast opens the airwaves for people of all walks of life to discuss their spiritual journey, beliefs about God/Goddess, and paranormal or life-transforming experiences that remind us that we are all ONE IN SPIRIT.

Topics include healing, metaphysics, soul development, afterlife, spirit communication, and other uplifting and enlightening insight. The guests interviewed are awakening to the transformation that is occurring in the collective consciousness across the globe. We see our true selves as loving, accepting, and unified spirit beings having a physical presence on this planet.

Yvonne creates unity through communication and inspiration.

Carl's recorded interview is archived and streamed from here.



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Addressing the God That You Are - Who Is Listening?, please sign up for my E-Zine




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